AS Monaco

Basic information

Club Information
Club AS Monaco
Location Monaco, France

AS Monaco Matches

AS Monaco Players

Players who went directly from Ajax to AS Monaco
Player Type Announced Start Duration End Amount Remark
Anderson Lopez Joins youth academy 2017-06-10 2017-07-01
Francesco Antonucci Transfer 2017-01-19 2017-01-19
Dan Petersen Transfer 1994-07-01
Ruud Suurendonk Transfer 1971-11-24 1971-12-15 68,067 In Het Vrije Volk van 23 november 1971 wordt een inschatting van 150000 gulden gemaakt voor de transfer.
Players who had history with Ajax before they played at AS Monaco
Francesco Antonucci Søren Lerby Anderson Lopez Dan Petersen Maarten Stekelenburg
Ruud Suurendonk



See this overview for an explanation of the categorization of the various competition types.