WFC Rapiditas
Relation between Ajax and WFC Rapiditas, such as players who played for both clubd and matches between the clubs.
Club | WFC Rapiditas |
Location | Netherlands |
Player | Type | Announced | Start | Duration | End | Amount | Remark |
Nico Buwalda | Unknown | 1923-07-01 |
Player | Type | Announced | Start | Duration | End | Amount | Remark |
Nico Buwalda | Unknown | 1922-07-01 | |||||
Nico Buwalda | Unknown | 1913-07-01 |
Players who had history with Ajax before they played at WFC Rapiditas | ||||
Nico Buwalda |
Players who before they played at Ajax had a history at WFC Rapiditas | ||||
Nico Buwalda |
See this overview for an explanation of the categorization of the various competition types.