Relation between Ajax and ZSGO, such as players who played for both clubd and matches between the clubs.
Club | ZSGO |
Location | Netherlands |
Player | Type | Announced | Start | Duration | End | Amount | Remark |
Joop Steunenberg | Transfer | 1939-01-06 | 1939-07-01 | Begin 1939 werd bekend dat overschrijving was aangevraagd, onbekend of en zo ja wanneer de overschrijving definitief was |
Player | Type | Announced | Start | Duration | End | Amount | Remark |
Wim Anderiesen Jr. | Joins youth academy | 1947-01-15 | 1947-07-01 |
Players who had history with Ajax before they played at ZSGO | ||||
Joop Steunenberg |
Players who before they played at Ajax had a history at ZSGO | ||||
Wim Anderiesen Jr. |
See this overview for an explanation of the categorization of the various competition types.