Piet Vunderink


Player Information
Name Piet Vunderink
Born on
Died on
Full Name Pieter Vunderink
Nationality Netherlands
Role Soccer Player (Midfielder)
Club A.F.C. Ajax
Family Roef Vunderink
Often played with Wim Volkers - Bob ten Have - Jan van Diepenbeek - Dolf van Kol - Piet Strijbosch - Henk Anderiesen - Jan Schubert - Piet van Reenen - Jan Bonneveld - Piet van Deijck
Seasons matches and goals per competition
Season Comp. Comp. Play Off Dutch Cup Europa Other Off. Off. Mat. Friendly Total
Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals
1925-26 1 1 1 2
1927-28 1 1 1 1 1 1
1928-29 3 3 1 4
1930-31 4 2 6 2 8
1931-32 2 2 4 6
1932-33 2 2
1933-34 2 2 2
Total 10 5 15 1 10 25 1




Season (Soccer Player)
Season Contract Type Team Contract From Contract To Loan Out From Loan Out To Remark
1925-26 Unknown Unknown
1927-28 Unknown Unknown
1928-29 Unknown Unknown
1930-31 Unknown Unknown
1931-32 Unknown Unknown
1932-33 Unknown Unknown
1933-34 Unknown Unknown

Match details

Match Details per Period
Minute Goals Assists Yellow Red Substitute Out Substitute In
Unknown 1 6
Totaal 1 6


Goal Type
Type Number
Goal 1
Goal Origin
Origin Number
from corner (indirect) 1

All matches

Match Details
Season Date Competition Match Active Remark Min Goals Yellow Red 2nd Yellow
1925-26 11/1/1925 First Division West II HFC Haarlem - Ajax 2 - 2 (2 - 0) Bench 21
1925-26 5/23/1926 Friendly Ajax - Middlesex Wanderers FC 1 - 1 (1 - 1) Bench (Not confirmed) 20
1927-28 5/17/1928 Champions Competition Velocitas 1897 - Ajax 1 - 4 (1 - 3) Bench 44 1
1928-29 12/2/1928 Friendly Ajax - PSV 4 - 4 (2 - 3) Start 90
1928-29 12/9/1928 First Division West I RC Haarlem - Ajax 2 - 1 (2 - 0) Bench 67
1928-29 12/23/1928 First Division West I Ajax - Sparta 2 - 3 (0 - 2) Bench 21
1928-29 4/1/1929 First Division West I Ajax - Stormvogels 5 - 1 (3 - 0) Bench 21
1930-31 10/19/1930 First Division West I DFC - Ajax 0 - 0 (0 - 0) Start 90
1930-31 11/9/1930 First Division West I ZFC - Ajax 3 - 2 (0 - 0) Start 90
1930-31 11/30/1930 First Division West I Ajax - HBS 3 - 1 (1 - 1) Start 90
1930-31 4/19/1931 First Division West I Hermes DVS - Ajax 3 - 4 (1 - 3) Start 90
1930-31 6/3/1931 Champions Competition Ajax - Feijenoord 2 - 2 (1 - 0) Bench 21
1930-31 6/7/1931 Champions Competition PSV - Ajax 2 - 5 (0 - 2) Start 90
1930-31 7/6/1931 Friendly BSC Young Boys - Ajax 2 - 2 (2 - 1) Start 90
1930-31 7/11/1931 Friendly Racing Lausanne - Ajax 2 - 2 (1 - 0) Start 90
1931-32 8/9/1931 Friendly UVV - Ajax 1 - 5 (0 - 2) Start 90
1931-32 8/15/1931 Friendly Ajax - Vienna Cricket and Football-Club 3 - 2 (1 - 0) Start 90
1931-32 8/23/1931 Friendly DFC - Ajax 3 - 4 (1 - 2) Start (Not confirmed) 90
1931-32 8/30/1931 Friendly NAC - Ajax 4 - 2 (1 - 1) Start 90
1931-32 9/20/1931 First Division West I Ajax - HBS 6 - 4 (3 - 2) Start 90
1931-32 10/11/1931 First Division West I Ajax - KFC 3 - 2 (1 - 2) Start 90
1932-33 3/4/1933 Friendly Ajax - Vitesse 6 - 3 (2 - 1) Start 90
1932-33 6/4/1933 Xerxes Pinkstertoernooi Ajax - Beerschot 3 - 1 (1 - 0) Start (Not confirmed) 90
1933-34 5/13/1934 Champions Competition Willem II - Ajax 1 - 1 (1 - 1) Start 90
1933-34 6/10/1934 Champions Competition Ajax - Willem II 5 - 0 (2 - 0) Start 90

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