Club Information
Club SV Limburgia
Location Netherlands
Competition Mat Win Drw Loss Percentage GF GA F-A
Hoofdklasse 2 1 1 25.00 1 -1
Champions Competition 4 1 3 25.00 7 15 -8
Friendly 1 1 100.00 6 1 5
Total 7 2 1 4 35.71 13 17 -4
Endranking Dutch Competition
Season Competition Pos Mat Win Drw Loss Total points GF GA F-A
1955-56 Hoofdklasse A 10 34 12 11 11 35 56 56
1954-55 First Division C 3 26 14 6 6 34 53 33 20
1953-54 First Division D 12 26 7 3 16 17 38 60 -22
1952-53 First Division D 7 26 10 5 11 25 37 38 -1
1951-52 First Division D 5 26 14 3 9 31 37 42 -5
1950-51 First Division E 3 22 9 6 7 24 45 37 8
1949-50 First Division Zuid I 1 19 12 3 4 27 38 22 16
1948-49 First Division Zuid I 2 20 13 3 4 29 49 34 15
1947-48 First Division Zuid II 6 20 9 5 6 23 36 25 11
1946-47 First Division Zuid II 4 20 9 4 7 22 46 40 6
1945-46 First Division Zuid II 1 20 13 2 5 28 47 22 25
1940-41 First Division Zuid 12 22 5 4 13 14 32 41 -9
1939-40 First Division Zuid 10 20 5 1 14 11 31 48 -17
Endranking Dutch Competition Playoffs
Season Competition Pos Mat Win Drw Loss Total points GF GA F-A
1949-50 Champions Competition 1 10 7 1 2 15 39 18 21
1945-46 Champions Competition 6 10 3 7 6 22 22
Players who came directly to Ajax from SV Limburgia
Player Type Announced Start Duration End Amount Remark
Božo Broketa Transfer 1958-07-01 11,345 Uit Het Vrije Volk van 23 augustus, die een overzicht van alle contractspelers van alle eredivisie clubs samen hebben gesteld
Players who had history with Ajax before they played at SV Limburgia
Loek den Edel
Players who before they played at Ajax had a history at SV Limburgia
Božo Broketa

See this overview for an explanation of the categorization of the various competition types.

Seasons matches and goals per competition
Player Comp. Comp. Play Off Dutch Cup Europa Other Off. Off. Mat. Friendly Total
Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals
Gerrit Fischer 4 2 4 2 1 5 2
Chris Ackerman 2 1 2 1 1 3 1
Gé van Dijk 2 2 1 4 1 1 5 1
Guus Dräger 4 1 4 1 1 2 5 3
Cor van der Hart 2 1 2 1 2 1
Rinus Michels 2 4 1 6 1 1 7 1
Klaas Bakker 2 2 2
Ger Beumer 1 1 1
Luuk Bijker 2 2 2
Henk Blomvliet 2 2 2
Theo Brokmann Jr. 1 1 1
Sjaak Brokx 1 1 1
Gerard Bruins 1 1 1
Loek den Edel 2 2 2
Henk Elzer 2 2 2
Cor Geelhuizen 1 1 1
Cor van der Hoeven 2 2 2
Gerrit Keizer 2 2 1 3
Gerrit Krist 1 1 1
Piet van der Kuil 1 1 1
Piet Leemhuis 2 2 2
Henk van der Linden 2 2 1 3
Ger van Mourik 2 1 3 3
Piet Ouderland 2 2 2
Eddy Pieters Graafland 2 2 2
Ad van de Pol 1 1 1
Frans Postma 2 2 2
Jan Potharst 4 4 1 5
Joop Stoffelen 4 4 1 1 5 1
Gerrie Stroker 2 2 1 3
Jany van der Veen 1 1
Jan Vinck 1 1 1
Total 23 45 68 7 11 3 79 10